Goal: DataCloud will use the data from a datatable to show them in a cloud view.
DataCloud form: Has 3 controls: HScrollBar, CloudControl from codeproject and a Label;
DataCloud.HScrollBar: Will get the dates from the datatable. Must consider that the datatable can store the dates in 2 formats: in columns or in rows (see the images above);
The user will select the date in this control and the cloud must be update with the data from the selected date;
The dates must be store in a crescent order, and the default value is the first date;
DataCloud.CloudControl: Will get the words from the datatable. Must consider that the datatable can store the words (description fields) in 2 formats: in rows or in columns (is the opposite from the dates fields – see images above);
This control must show the words as was coded in codeproject; But the font size now depends of the value of the each description field for the date selected by the user in HScrollBar control;
The cloud must be update when the user change the date by selecting another one in the HScrollBar control;
DataCloud.Label: Must show the date selected by the user in the HScrollBar control;
The project from codeproject must be adapted as suggested by his author (see image bellow); You will need to “count the words” by reading the value for each description for the date select by the user;
- The solution must be code in the project attached to the job description;
- Do not attach the codeproject into the project attached to use the CloudControl. You must to copy all references and classes that are needed and integrate them to the solution;
- The solution must work consider the 2 options in the “Structure View” setting (Show date in Rows or Show date in Columns);
- Please test using values as suggested in the images above to check if the font size change according the value of the description;
- The structure already coded in the frmDataCloud.cs can not be change without authorization;
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