the requirements here may change until the job offer is sent (you must to check the requirements again BEFORE accept the job).
The form layout is showed in the image below. The corresponding form in the project attached, is the frmWhatsAppIntegration.cs form (where the solution must be coded).
“From”: The user can inform the sender phone number ((which will be used to send the message using whatsapp api).
“Password”: If a password is required to send the message from the phone number informed in the “From” parameter, the user can enter the password.
“To”: Contact Option: Using this option the user must inform the receiver whatsapp phone number;
“To”: Group Option: Using this option, the user must inform a Sender whatsapp group. The group name informed must be checked before send. If the sender is not a member of the group informed, a error message must be showed.
“Message”: Here the user can write a message. If the user attach a image, the message must be sent as a image label.
“Image”: The user can select a picture file (.jpg, .bmp) clicking on”Select photo” button. After the file is selected, the picture box must be update.
“Send Message + Image”: Clicking on this button the user can send the message. If there is not message or image file informed, an error message must be showed. If the system could send the message successfully to the whatspp phone number or to the whatsapp group informed, the system must show a successfully message.
> The solution must be code in the project attached to the job description;
> Do not attach the external projects into the project attached. You must copy all references and classes that are needed and integrate them to the solution;
> The layout designed in the frmWhatsAppIntegration.cs can not be change without authorization;
1) Depending on the questions received during the freelancer hiring process, the job description and the documents attached may change to improve the requirements description. So you MUST check the job description and the documents attached AGAIN BEFORE accept the job offer.
2) Do not start coding and do not send any solution BEFORE you have received and accepted the job offer. I will not consider any work done BEFORE the job offer is accepted.
3) The requirements for the job include the job description AND the all the documents attached to the job. You MUST consider BOTH of them.
4) You are free to ask anything you need to know to do the job, and also, you can ask me to change the job requirements (job description and documents attached) BEFORE accept the job offer.
5) If you think the price must be different, please send your price offer to do the job. After you accepted the job, I will not pay more than the offer accepted. In case of change of the requirements (or a new requirement), you will need to tell me how much it will cost more BEFORE start doing it. Otherwise you will need to accept what I estimate to pay for the extra work.
6) If the project delivered is not according to the job requirements, the contract may will be canceled (a partial solution will may not be accepted). In this case, will be pay only the value of the first milestone defined.
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